Staying Content While Dreaming Big

I wrote the title to this blog post before I started writing it. Now I am sitting here in front of my keyboard wondering how I am ever going to eloquently share how I’ve come to terms with the now while not giving up on my goals. I am a big ole dreams kind of girl and if you’ve found your way to reading this I am sure you can relate. I spend a lot of time thinking about what I want my future to look like and I love goal setting with my whole heart. I don’t think either of those activities are bad but I do think it’s easy to fall in the pit of Pinterest…do you know the one I’m talking about? Curated boards of your dream life, time spent scrolling a screen instead of living, more talking about what you want rather than making it happen? Have you been there? I know I have and I am not interested in going back.

I want to spend the majority of my days feeling fulfilled and content.

How does big dreams fit in with all of that?

First things first, realizing that the accomplishment you’re working toward isn’t the fulfilling part is important. I think back to my wedding as the ultimate example of this. I spent months planning a single day. ONE DAY. It was a beautiful, joyful day but at the end of it all, it was just another twenty-four hours and when I look back on that season of life I have extremely stressful memories of the months leading up to it instead of contentment. I was so focused on making sure that one day met all my expectation that I forgot that there were plenty of perfectly wonderful days going by.

It was after my wedding I started shifting my perspective on daily living. Prior to that shift I was spending my day to day living for the next “thing” - sometimes it was the weekend, sometimes a vacation, event, etc. but it was always counting down the days until I had something that I deemed worthy of my contentment. It left me feeling drained most days and I desperately wanted to find a different way to go about things. That is the moment in my life that gratitude entered the arena.

Not to say I had never been grateful for something…but I wasn’t actively practicing gratitude. So I believe to adequately share with you how I learned to live content while also being a dreamer I have to breakdown the various ways I have learned to practice gratitude along the way.

DON’T FORGET HOW FAR YOU’VE COME - Ground yourself and remember how far you’ve already come. I was always looking forward in life which was warping my view. If you always look forward then it’s easy to forget how things have changed already. I find seeing my progress motivating and grounding. In a few years when you’ve accomplished some of those dreams don’t you hope you’re enjoying your success instead of jumping right back into the grind and what’s next? I know I do.

REMEMBER WHAT YOU HAVE - Whether it’s writing a list or just taking a mental note, cataloging the things you have and can be grateful for is important. Regardless of what is going on in my life I know there are always things to write down. Maybe the device you’re currently reading this from? Access to the internet? The ability to read? These are all things we can consider and practice gratitude for!

VOICE YOUR GRATITUDE TO OTHERS - Make sure to communicate gratitude towards those around you with words of thanks or affirmation.

When I began intentionally practicing gratitude in my day to day everything changed. When you’re actively considering how much you have to be grateful for in any given moment, it’s hard to not find some level of contentment in the moment.

Being a dreamer is a gift but it is easy to get caught up in what’s next rather then appreciating what is right now. You can shoot for the moon and still choose to enjoy the journey getting there!



LifestyleJo Johnson